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[REVIEW] KBS TV Series “White Christmas” - Final Episode

시계아이콘읽는 시간1분 58초

"White Christmas" KBS2 Sunday 11:15 PM

[REVIEW] KBS TV Series “White Christmas” - Final Episode TV series "White Christmas" [KBS]

The experiment is over. The kids each took a bite of and killed Yo-han who had slowly been eating them up. When called into the dark room which is as dark as the dark letter, they then all hid their expressions and gave the same story. The situation where a sin has been committed without a sinner is not much different from Kim Jin-soo's death. But unlike back in the days when they did not even know that sins existed, the kids saw the bite marks they left but did not frown about it. If that is the 'monster' Yo-han was referring to, he has won the game just like he said he would. But even then, he was just a prophet for it was their parents who created those monsters. When surrounded by cops, Yo-han let the parents save their children. But the adults, no different from their children, messed up the opportunity by hiding their guilty wounds, weighing the price of death with survival and behaving overly anxious.

The monster finally realized it was monster when it saw its reflection in the water from a deep well and footprints embedded on a field full of snow will remain there unless more snow falls. The wounds stamped hard like a scar on the childrens' delicate skin ended up turning them into adults. The children, scared the obnoxious stain might show, chose to survive by scraping out what has been ruined even if such conduct comes off as low and cowardly. Their eyes have become deeper and darker but when more sinful snow falls, all traces will disappear like nothing had ever happened. And so in the experiment for “White Christmas,” the ones who made the most sinful choice was the adults who pulled the trigger. Yo-han made them take their fingers to the trigger and the bullet-like children did not have enough power to change the direction they were headed. Even Choi Chi-hoon who lacked in emotions, chose to become the same monster once he understood the pain of his friends. Yo-han who must have been a sad child himself would have made the same choice too. In that case this is no longer an experiment but a verification. What the monster wanted to see was its true origin and the world filled with rude people was in fact, a perfect laboratory for Dr. Frankenstein to do his work. The drama that only threw in questions now points out quietly to the key that can lock the door to hell - by urging one to follow those snowy footsteps that is not yet covered up.

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Reporter : Yoon Hee-Seong nine@
Editor : Heidi Kim heidikim@
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