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Mi-saeng loves his sister

A look into Jung Woong-in's character in TV series "Queen Seon-deok"

He is a lot of things but it all does not matter except for the fact that he is royal concubine Mi-shil's younger brother. Eighty percent of his lines start with the word 'sister' -- "Sister... What should I do?" "Sister, what has happened?" "Sister, you definitely are the greatest!". He solely looks up to his sister, always agreeing to what she says or at least by reacting positively to his sister's remarks.

Different from his looks, he has been with so many women that he will not be able to memorize the names of all of his offspring except for a son he is particularly proud of called Dae Nambo. But he will give into his sister again when she tries to poison Dae Nam-bo when he mistakenly kills Princess Chun-myung instead of Duk-man. "Sister I am scared. I am still your... brother" Mi-saeng will utter, pleading for forgiveness for his son's mistake, but to no avail. Mi-saeng's heart coils up as Mi-shil responds, "I am one who even deserted my child. What is there to being my brother?" But despite it all, the two are close like no other. Mi-saeng, who is a character not easy to get mad at, may actually be the hidden card to "Queen Seon-deok".

Reporter : Choi Ji-Eun five@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr, Jang Kyung-Jin three@10asia.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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