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Fany to make solo debut on music show

Korean singer Fany of pop duo Fly To The Sky will make his solo debut this weekend, according to a report on Friday.

The singer will appear on MBC's music show "Music Central" on Saturday and perform his song "Missed The Heart", returning to the stage in six months since Fly To The Sky's last concert in March.

"It's my first solo stage in ten years," the 27-year-old singer was quoted as saying. "I am so nervous that I'm having many sleepless nights."

The digital version of "Heart" has been receiving favorable response, reaching No. 1 on social networking site Cyworld's real-time chart the day of its release on Thursday.

Fly To The Sky, a popular two-member boy group who debuted in 1999, were represented by SM Entertainment, a major talent agency in South Korea, until November 2004.

They moved to a smaller label PFull Entertainment, where they released three studio albums, and it has been reported that each member will be focusing on their solo activities.

Reporter : Lee Hye-rin rinny@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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